Schools, Special Reports



Plans call for some 200 students and their parents and teachers to shift to new schools at the start of the next school year. Cairo and Pioneer Schools will be shuttered as the Ontario School District changes how it educates elementary students.

Superintendent Nikki Albisu and her team have sung the praises of what the district has branded “elementary reconfiguration.”

That means putting all students in each grade into the same building instead of spread across five schools. Albisu has pitched the plan as a way to enhance teaching and provide more school activities for students.

An investigation by the Enterprise, however, established that Albisu and her team have deliberately shifted conversations away from the school closures.

阿尔比苏不愿回答该报关于关闭工厂的问题, 她还指示pg电子游戏试玩管理人员不要回答媒体的问题. 被列入关闭名单的两所pg电子游戏试玩的校长也没有回应.

“So what happens to other schools? We don’t know yet.”

——尼基·阿尔比苏(nikki Albisu),安大略省pg电子游戏试玩负责人,10月

A.J. Sunseri, an Ontario School Board member, said it was “essential” for district leaders and board members to provide information to the community. 他支持这项计划,但对悄无声息的推出表示担忧.

“I do not think the OSD is doing an adequate job at informing parents,” Sunseri said last week. 他敦促其他董事会成员也发声,“而不是保持沉默”.”

The tough decision to close schools has barely left a trace in the files of the Ontario School District, 根据企业部提交的公共记录要求. The district said it had no document anywhere in the district showing how Cairo and Pioneer were targeted for closure – or who decided they would go dark.

Taryn Smith, the district’s communications director, insisted the schools weren’t really closing.


今年秋天的某个时候,该学区在其网站上公布了初步计划. 在冗长的描述中隐藏着pg电子游戏试玩关闭的消息.

“Cairo and Pioneer school facilities will not immediately be utilized for students in the reconfiguration,” according to the plan.

The source of the statement couldn’t be traced. 没有记录表明是哪位地区雇员起草了这份声明, who approved it or when it was made public, according to Smith.

Albisu and her team, though, 精心策划推出了基本计划, public records show.

In most ways, the plan was not new. 阿尔比苏多年来一直在推动这种等级合并. 这在2020年的一系列pg电子游戏试玩会议上达到高潮,让家长们看看.

当时的记录显示,阿尔比苏的团队打算使用所有五所小学. Cairo would still serve grades one through six. Pioneer would become a magnet school, providing programming to bolster science and math interests.


Last September, Albisu took steps to bring it back to life but with little notice to the community.

The school board scheduled a work session on Sept. 25 to hear about the plan.

Erin O’Hara-Rines, the Pioneer principal, 通常让她的职员知道预定的地区活动. But in an email to her staff the day that the board convened, she listed a starting time at 7 p.m. ­– two hours later than was the actual time

According to the email traffic, she knew the board would first spend time discussing the new school plan before moving on to other topics. 地区记录显示,奥哈拉-莱恩斯知道这一点.

一位老师在给校长的电子邮件中质疑上课时间, who then acknowledged the earlier start time.

“The work session is at 5 p.m. 奥哈拉-莱恩斯写道:“这是pg电子游戏试玩讨论年级问题的时候。. “I purposely did not put this on the schedule.”

The principal of Pioneer Elementary School in Ontario didn’t tell her staff about a discussion of an elementary school plan that was to happen at the Ontario School Board on Sept. 25, 2023. 企业号通过公共记录请求获得了这封电子邮件.

她没有回应有关这张纸条的书面问题. And though her school was slated for closure, school district officials said that as late as Dec. 15, there was no record that O’Hara-Rines had written about the closure in any email or memo to the superintendent, the Pioneer staff or parents.

At that September board meeting, one board member noted that Albisu’s plan would only use three of the five elementary schools. 阿尔比苏表示,目前还没有就这些pg电子游戏试玩做出任何决定.

She kept that posture a month later when she again addressed school board questions over using three schools instead of five.

“So what happens to other schools? We don’t know yet,” Albisu told the board. “We haven’t put a ton of thought into this.”


“This would never be something we would just throw out and say at a public meeting this is what we’re doing, you’re going to have to live with it.”


They gathered on Oct. 为两周后的公开会议准备演讲.


According to the notes, the district leaders wanted to spin the information it would give parents.

“在这次演讲中讨论‘缺点’是不可取的,”笔记说. “一份常见问题解答表可能会减轻潜在的负面影响.”

Ahead of the community meeting, school district teachers found a survey in their work email. 他们被问到在新计划下教师应该如何分配.

调查以描述新小学计划的声明开始, disclosing the closure of Pioneer and Cairo.

School district officials could produce no other record that teachers had been notified of the closure. The principals, 先锋的奥哈拉-莱恩斯和开罗的珍妮·戴顿, 在此之前或之后没有以任何文档形式处理过闭包, the district said.

On Nov. 6, three days after the survey went out, a teacher at Aiken Elementary School went directly to school board members with concerns.

除非你是教职员或者参加过pg电子游戏试玩董事会, 社区没有意识到这个话题正在被讨论,” the teacher wrote on Nov. 6. “I’m concerned that the school district wants to roll this out next year while the community has not been informed of any of it.”

On Nov. 9, a Thursday, pg电子游戏试玩给小学生们发了传单,让他们和父母分享, 宣布在安大略中学召开社区会议. 晚间会议定于下星期一举行. Just hours before the meeting, the meeting was announced on the district’s Facebook page.

“Parents, staff and community are welcome to join us for an information session regarding the shift to grade level school,” the flier said.

The goal, the flier said, was “increasing student proficiency while bring unity to the community.” Nothing was said about closing schools.


According to an email, district leaders wanted to be clear with parents and others the school plan should be supported.

“Most important message for small schools is that if we believe this is a good thing for students we would not want to deny any student the opportunity,一位领导人在彩排前发来的电子邮件中写道. The messaging also had to get across that “an organization can only support so much change a time” and the future of small schools would be for another day.

At the Monday session, poorly attended at the middle school, Albisu opened and closed the presentation with a quote that appeared aimed any dissenting parents: “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but building the new.”

A sharp-eyed parent might have caught a clue that closures were in the works as Albisu and her team went through a slide presentation. One slide, containing 195 words total, 包括一张幼儿园和一年级学生的名单, second and third in another, and fourth and fifth in one more.

Parents were invited to ask questions, 但pg电子游戏试玩官员的态度很明确:这将继续下去.


Nikki Albisu, superintendent of the Ontario School District, 指示30名地区行政人员无视媒体关于关闭两所pg电子游戏试玩的提问. The Nov. 2023年5月15日,企业号通过公共记录请求获得了电子邮件.

Two days later, on Nov. 15, Albisu wrote in emails to the Enterprise that the school closings should surprise no one.



Albisu also insisted in an email to reporters that the district was being open about its plans.



她写道:“我从你们很多人那里听说,媒体已经开始寻求信息。. “Please do not respond at this time.”


“Each principal is authorized to use available means to keep parents and others in the particular school’s community informed about the school’s program and activities.”

Albisu advised her leaders, “一旦我们和pg电子游戏试玩董事会谈过,学区就会准备回应.”
Two weeks later, on Nov. 阿尔比苏向pg电子游戏试玩董事会介绍了小学的计划. She sidestepped questions about school closings, 他说,重点必须放在新计划上,并“把它做好”.”

Despite her earlier assurances to school leaders, 该学区尚未拿出承诺的关于关闭pg电子游戏试玩的声明.



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